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About Hypnobirthing

Hypnobirthing is a logical approach to labour and birth – although the title may lead you to think otherwise!


It is a combination of deep relaxation techniques, breathing exercises and visualisations. Once you have learnt and practised the techniques, you can decide what will work best for you and your partner to create a calm, relaxed and empowering birth.


It also involves understanding the physiology of birth and how body and mind can work together to achieve a positive and natural birth experience.


You are encouraged to release fear, you learn to trust your body, your instincts and your baby to think positively about birth and believe in yourself.


The course will also offer plenty of time to discuss all the options, choices and 'what if's' you may be presented with when giving birth, so that you can make informed decisions that are right for you on the ‘big’ day! Hypnobirthing is not about creating a 'perfect birth' but a positive one –  a birth where you feel prepared for whatever turn it may take.


What you might think Hypnobirthing is…..


Hypnosis may be regarded as an individual having no control over their actions – you may have perhaps seen funny clips of people acting as chickens or performing a ridiculous way on a stage in front of an audience, but it is totally the opposite. Using hypnotherapy to assist your birth experience means you are completely in control of your body and mind throughout the process.


You may also think that it is a hippy trend and that it’s not quite right for you, as you don’t own any psychedelic flares or wear your hair in dreads! Well neither do we! We found hypnobirthing to be a common sense approach to birth – we were surprised ourselves after the first session how logical it all was!


Benefits of Hypnobirthing for You and Your baby


  • You are likely to experience a more comfortable and sometimes pain free birth.

  • Your baby will arrive to a serene and relaxed environment, alert and ready to bond with you as nature intended.

  • Length of labour is often much shorter with Hypnobirthing births.

  • Less drugs and medical intervention are used in Hypnobirthing births allowing your baby to develop naturally and easily after they arrive.

  • Mums often bounce back quicker after a Hypnobirthing birth as the physical impact of giving birth is reduced.

  • Your birth partner will learn how to support you and have a central and active role in the birth. A truly shared and loving experience.


Do I have to be creative to do this?


Not at all – I will show you how to visualise and use creative techniques to assist you and your partner on your journey.​


Am I the right person to do this?


  • Do you want to feel in control of your birth and prepare for whats ahead? – it is the most amazing day of your life and one you will never forget so make it memorable for all the right reasons! 

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by all of the options and the birth ‘plan’ – or not being sure what options you have?

  • Is your birth partner unsure about their role and how they can help during labour in the best way possible? – My Husband can also give advice and support to birth partners as he went through the journey with me and he will tell you he’s a better man for it!

  • Are you having negative niggling thoughts about labour and birth? Perhaps you’ve heard, read, been led to believe that a painful labour is the only option -  I would like to help you feel excited and positive about your birth. Or if it is your second baby, do you want to have a different experience this time around?


The fact that you're here, reading all about how to have a positive birth experience tells me you are the right person for this! If you do have any questions please contact me - I would love to hear from you!


I can also help if you have relatives, perhaps grandmas 'to be' that don't quite understand the idea of Hypnobirthing because 'it wasn't around in their day'. I can help you explain it to them and make them feel part of this experience with you, so that they can positively support you through this important time.




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